The Personal Financial Planning and Control spreadsheet can be used to control the money that comes in (income) and the money that goes out (expenses), as well as to plan what you intend to spend (budget) and compare it with what was actually spent (expenses). With it, you can also view the average of what you planned to spend in each month (average monthly budget) and the average of what was actually spent in each month (average monthly expense), for each category (example: Car, entertainment, food, etc.)
>>> When purchasing a promotional spreadsheet package on our website, you can request the personal financial control spreadsheet for free!!! <<< .
This version of the Personal Financial Planning and Control Spreadsheet was designed so that you can fill it out quickly and intuitively. The unique feature of this spreadsheet is that it has 40 Income categories and 60 Expense categories . This spreadsheet has proven to be more efficient for planning when there are many sources of income and many expense categories. The spreadsheet was created exclusively to make it possible to manage your finances. Therefore, we describe the main details of the spreadsheet's tables and graphs, which are ready to be used. To do this, it is important to read the information present in the spreadsheet in the initial and questions tabs.
To do your PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING AND CONTROL, you must follow just 5 steps:
1. Register the income and expense categories;
2. Make entries of income/expenses by month and year, separating them by category, with a description;
3. Analyze planned versus actual values in an integrated manner;
4. View your finances graphically for each month with data to better visualize expenses and income;
5. Evaluate the evolution of an expense category throughout the year!Get your spreadsheet now! Still have questions? Watch the tutorial videos on our Channel .
Have the discipline to make entries every day! Carrying out financial control requires daily commitment and honest and careful analysis of personal financial health.
Personal Financial Planning and Control Spreadsheet
There are only 5 steps:
1. Register the CATEGORIES;
2. Make the RELEASES;
3. Analysis of PLANNED X REALIZED;
4. View the GRAPHS;
Have questions? Watch the video tutorial here .