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With the Collective Expense Division Spreadsheet, you can organize an event, a trip, or even split the bills among several people so that the bill is proportional for everyone according to each person's participation. Through the 4 steps, you can register up to 30 participants, the items that must be purchased or paid for, define who will participate in the division and finally, what each person will pay in a fair and proportional way.

With this electronic spreadsheet for collective expenses, the calculation becomes simple and quick so that you don't waste time with the accounts, avoid calculation errors and are fair to each participant.

Plan your group expenses in just 4 steps:

1. Register the participants, their email contacts and the items;
2. Define the items purchased or paid for and who will participate in dividing the bills;
3. Visualize what each person will pay or receive;
4. Print the account summary and contact details for each one!

Get your spreadsheet now! Still have questions? Watch the video tutorial on our Channel .

Collective Expenses Division Spreadsheet

SKU: 020108

Plan for collective spending:

1. Register the PARTICIPANTS;
2. Define PURCHASES;
3. Visualize THE DIVISION;
4. Print the REPORT!

Have questions? Watch the video tutorial here .

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