Using the Ishikawa Diagram spreadsheet, you and your team can analyze cause and effect relationships to automatically solve problems. Read the Instructions tab and follow the solution implementation priority matrix. Meet with the team responsible for solving the problem in question and have a brainstorming session to evaluate the possible causes that may be related to the problem. Describe the problem and the causes in the cells below. Score the causes according to their relationship to the problem, their impact, once resolved, and select the activity according to the level of implementation difficulty.
Solve your company's problem using the Ishikawa Diagram in just 3 steps:
1. Read the initial instructions: Follow the instructions for filling out the data to be successful with your powerful cause and effect analysis tool, the Ishikawa Diagram. When you have finished filling out the diagram, return to the instruction step to follow the results implementation order worksheet through the implementation - impact worksheet.
2. Fill in the information for the Diagram: Meet with the team responsible for solving the problem in question and have a brainstorming session to evaluate the possible causes that may be related to the problem. Describe the problem and the causes in the cells below. Score the causes according to their relationship to the problem, their impact once resolved, and the level of difficulty of implementation.
3. Analyze your Ishikawa Diagram: Done! Your Ishikawa Diagram is automatically filled in. Print it and analyze with your team the ideal time for implementation. Attention: Return to the Instructions tab and follow the solution implementation priority matrix.Note: The above product should be considered only as a complement in the execution of activities. It does not exempt the user from adequate monitoring by a qualified professional in the area, in order to obtain greater reliability in the execution of the task.
Fishbone Diagram Worksheet
There are only 3 steps:
1. Read the Initial instructions;
2. Register your data;
3. Analyze the Diagram!